Oats Smoothie For Weight Gain | 100% Healthy 2 Recipes

Are you frustrated with your broken cheek, skinny health, and weak muscles? 

Each time you go shopping and become upset not to buy your favorite dresses due to being oversized? 

Frequently eating more food won’t even add some kilos? 


I have an easy, simple, and fast solution for you. 

And that is the calorie-dense oats smoothies. It’s the treasure of higher nutritional value that boosts weight gain with regular intake. 

And, of course, 100% naturally. 

In this post, I’ll share 2 recipes of Oats smoothie for weight gain, their nutritional value, and total intake calories. You can also know when to take smoothies for better results, and how long it takes to gain weight. 

Oats Smoothie For Weight Gain

What’s The Secret Of Weight Gain? 

A large number of people won’t achieve their weight gain goal. It’s not because of their lack of dedication, rather lack of having the right concepts about weight gain. 

The simple secret of weight gain is consuming more calories than you burn daily. Besides, engaging in regular physical activity builds muscle and bone, which prompts weight. 

Is it true? 

Not need to have much knowledge to justify it. 

Just Think logically…

Isn’t muscle and bone heavier than flesh?

So, when you make them stronger by consuming more calories than burning, gradually you will gain a healthy weight, instead of being fat. 

Does Oats With Milk Increase Weight When You Make Smoothies? 

Yes, or no, both are right. 


Oats with milk are full of calories that contribute to your weight gain journey. 

But, there are some thumb rules. Such as 

  • Oats smoothies should be a part of your daily balanced diet to support weight management. 
  • You should consume an excess oats smoothie to boost your daily calorie needs. 
  • Dehydration all day long is another criterion for perfectly working smoothie nutrition inside your body. 
  • You have to incorporate regular physical activities into your daily routine. 

If you can successfully combine all those things in your everyday life, in most cases, oats smoothies will promote your faster weight gain as you desire. 

Oats Smoothie For Weight Gain (2 Healthy Yet Delicious Recipes) 

When talking about oats smoothie recipes, there are no fixed boundaries. As everybody is unique, their preference, taste, and needs are also unique. 

However, I’ll show you two oats smoothie recipes for your convenience. So that you can follow whatever you like. 

Berries Oats Smoothie For Weight Gain 

  • Prep Time: 2-3 minutes 
  • Calories: 761 calories
  • Servings: 1 Person 


  • Rolled oats – 1 cup
  • Milk – 1 cup any milk alternative)
  • Banana – 1 Piece 
  • Frozen berries – ½ cup 
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon 
  • Maple syrup – 1 tablespoon (Honey alternative)
  • Protein powder – 1 scoop (optional, for extra protein)

Banana Oats Smoothie For Weight Gain 

Prep Time: 2-3 minutes 

Calories: 657

Servings: 1 Person 


  • Banana: 1 Piece (large 6-8″)
  • Old-fashioned oats: ¼ cup 
  • Whole milk or full-fat coconut milk: 1 cup 
  • Greek Yogurt: ⅓ cup 
  • Honey: ½ tablespoon 

How To Make

  • Pick the medium glass jar of your blender and add all the ingredients. 
  • When adding a banana, cut it into small pieces for smooth blending. 
  • Close the lid of the jar and attach it to the blender base.
  • Blend all with speed 1-2 for a maximum of 2 minutes or until smooth.
  • Release the smoothie jar from the blender base, enjoy your oats smoothie, and feel satisfied and full for a longer time.

Oats Smoothies Nutritional Value & Calories 

It’s more science than magic that taking Oats smoothies will increase your weight. When you fuel your body with the Power of oats smoothie, you’ll get the perfect blend of nutritional benefits packed with Fiber, Vitamins, and Minerals.

Here’s the table of Berries Oats Smoothies Nutritional Value and Calories Calculation 

IngredientsAmountNutrition factTotal Calories
Oats1 cup Carbs: 51 gramsProtein: 13 gramsfat: 5 gramsFiber: 8 grams303 
Milk1 cupFat: 4.8 gramsCholesterol: 20 milligramsSodium: 115 mg milligrams149 
Banana1 piece Fat: 0 gramProtein: 1 gramCarbohydrate: 28 gramsSugar:15 grams (natural) Fiber: 3 gramspotassium: 450 milligrams 121
Frozen berries ½ cupFat: 0.22 grams Carbohydrate: 5.75 gramsPotassium: 108 milligrams Vitamin A: 1 mcgVitaminC: 40.7mg24
Honey 1 tablespoonCarbohydrate: 17.3 gramsFat: 0 gramsProtein: 0 grams64
Protein powder1 scoop Fat:  0.5 gramsCholesterol: 5.1 miligramsSodium:  50 milligrams 100 
Total Calories761

Here’s the table of Berries oats smoothie nutritional Value and calories

IngredientsAmountNutrition factTotal Calories
Banana 1 PieceFat: 0 gramProtein: 1 gramCarbohydrate: 28 gramsSugar:15 grams (natural) Fiber: 3 gramspotassium: 450 milligrams 121
Old-fashioned oats¼ cupCarbs: 20 gramsProtein: 5 gramsFat: 2.5 gramsFiber: 2 grams150 
Milk1 cupCarbs: 51 gramsProtein: 13 gramsfat: 5 gramsFiber: 8 grams303 
Greek Yogurt⅓ cupFat: 1.25 grams Carbs: 5.69 grams Protein. 4.24 grams51
Honey½ tablespoonCarbohydrate: 8.1 gramsFat: 0 gramsProtein: 0 grams32
Total Calories657

Note: The exact nutritional value and intake calories may vary based on your ingredients quality, and amount. The more fresh, organic, and larger the amount, the higher calories you’ll get. 

Oats Banana Smoothies Benefits (How It Boost Weight Gain)

Your goal is to gain some weight, and that’s of course naturally without adding any supplementary medicine. Smoothies will benefit you from two aspects. One is nutritional, and the other is general. 

Though above I just highlight the nutritional values in shorts. But now I’ll inform you of the details, as it’s not a wise idea to know a little about your food.   

Nutritional Benefits 

  • Fiber: Oats and Bananas both are good sources of dietary fiber, which can help regulate digestion, keep you feeling full for longer, and regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Protein: Though Oats are grain, they are a good source of protein. When you add milk to the smoothie, it’ll increase its protein content even further.
  • Vitamins: Bananas are a good source of vitamin C and potassium. On the other hand, oats contain iron and magnesium and many other important vitamins and minerals. 

General Benefits

  • Energy Booster: The combination of carbohydrates and protein in a banana oats smoothie will release slow, but sustained energy in your body. 
  • Heart Health: Supporting your heart health with nutritional food is one of the main factors to weight gain. Oats and Bananas smoothie fiber and potassium will help to lower cholesterol levels, which increase heart health. 
  • Weight Management: This Smoothie will keep you feeling full for longer, which aids in weight management.

When To Take Oats Smoothies For Faster Weight Gain 

There is no specific time to take oat smoothies for faster weight gain. Because It depends on your personal calorie needs, diet and exercise routine. 

Oat smoothies can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet, but it should not be relied upon as the sole method for weight gain. You have to consume an overall balanced diet with enough calories, protein, and healthy fats to support weight gain.

However,  you can drink oats smoothie in the early morning as breakfast or evening instead of unhealthy processed snacks. It’ll help you feel fulfilled, stronger, and better all day long. 

How Long Does It Take To Gain 10 Pounds With Oats Smoothies? 

It depends on many things, like your health condition, calorie intake, and burning level, and lifestyle. If you daily intake at least 500 extra calories than burning it may take 3-4 months to gain 10 pounds. 

But that’s not equal for all. So, you should better talk to a professional nutritionist to gain faster but sustainable weight. 

Need Blender For Smoothies?

Understand, oats smoothies are a great energy booster and help to gain weight.  But, I don’t have a blender or need to replace my years old poor style blender.

Don’t fret, my friend.

I can also help you in this regard. You can choose one of the  Vitamix 5300 Blender for smooth smoothies blending with perfect texture. 

Unique Benefits At A Glance 

  • 64-ounce container with 3 pounds of capacity to make 5-6 cups of smoothies. 
  • 1380 watts 2.2 hp high profile motor will ensure faster blade rotation for smooth blending
  • 10 variable speed settings to have complete control on your food blending. 
 Vitamix 5300

Prompt Your Weight Gain With Delicious Oats Smoothies 

Having oats smoothies, the most delicious drink, in the breakfast is the Key to a Healthy and Energized Lifestyle. Say Goodbye to Processed Snacks and Hello to the Nutritious Goodness of Banana Oats Smoothies! 

Israt Jahan

Israt Jahan is the author of "KitchenTalkies," a food blog where she shares her passion for cooking and expertise in using the latest kitchen gadgets and utensils. With years of experience in the kitchen, Israt inspires home cooks to try new recipes and techniques. Follow along for delicious recipes, cooking tips, and product recommendations to elevate your home cooking game.

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